Tuple column

Write values into a tuple column.

Tuples group small amounts of data together and stores the data in a single column.


  • Insert data into the table cycling.route which has tuple data. The tuple is enclosed in parentheses. This tuple has a tuple nested inside; nested parentheses are required for the inner tuple, then the outer tuple.
     INSERT INTO cycling.route (race_id, race_name, point_id, lat_long) VALUES (500, '47th Tour du Pays de Vaud', 2, ('Champagne', (46.833, 6.65)));
  • Insert data into the table cycling.nation_rank which has tuple data. The tuple is enclosed in parentheses. The tuple called info stores the rank, name, and point total of each cyclist.
     INSERT INTO cycling.nation_rank (nation, info) VALUES ('Spain', (1,'Alejandro VALVERDE' , 9054));
  • Insert data into the table popular which has tuple data. The tuple called cinfo stores the country name, cyclist name, and points total.
     INSERT INTO cycling.popular (rank, cinfo) VALUES (4, ('Italy', 'Fabio ARU', 163));