Installing DataStax Apache Kafka Connector 1.4.0

Install on Linux-based platform using a binary tarball.

Install DataStax Apache Kafka Connector 1.4.0 from the DataStax distribution tar file using an account that has write access to the Kafka configuration directory.

The supported operating systems are Linux and macOS.


  • The cassandra-sink-distributed.json.sample file is located in the conf directory of the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector distribution package.

  • The file is located in the conf directory of the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector distribution package.

Supported Apache Kafka versions

Install the DataStax Apache Kafka® Connector on any of following versions:
  • Confluent 3.2 and higher
  • Apache Kafka 0.10.2 and higher



Important: Apache-2.0 license agreement. By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the open-source Apache-2.0 license agreement.

Perform the following steps on a Kafka Connect node:

  1. Download the tar file from the DataStax downloads site. If you agree, enable the Terms checkbox and click the download icon.
  2. Extract the files:
    tar zxf kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0.tar.gz
    The following files are unpacked into a directory such as kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0.
  3. Configured the DataStax connector JAR using one of the following methods:
    • Move the DataStax connector JAR to the Kafka plugins directory:
      mv installation_location/kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0.jar kafka_plugins_dir
    • Configure the path to the JAR:
      Apache Kafka 0.11.x and later - Specify the JAR location in the plugin.path parameter in the or file that is passed to the worker start-up scripts. Example:
      Note: Confluent 3.3 and later are supported.
  4. Copy the sample configuration file from kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0/conf/ to the Kafka configuration directory, which is typically the config or etc directory.
    DataStax provides the following sample files in the conf directory of the connector distribution package:
    • for standalone mode. It is a Java properties file that contains all settings with descriptions. Settings with a default value are commented out.
    • cassandra-sink-distributed.json.sample for distributed mode. This file is in JSON format and contains all settings, which are enumerated and active. To use the default values, remove settings from the configuration file. JSON does not support comments.
  5. Rename the sample file to or cassandra-sink.json.
    Attention: If you will use DataStax Apache Kafka Connector to stream records with a DataStax Astra cloud database, refer to the Astra documentation for information about specifying the secure connect bundle in the distributed cassandra-sink.json file. The secure connect bundle ZIP (downloaded via the Astra console) contains the security certificates and credentials for your Astra database.
  6. Update the settings as necessary. See Configuring the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.
  7. Ensure that the user running Kafka has permission to access the configuration and JAR files.
  8. Next, refer to the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector introduction.